jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

Magic Sticky Hand - Heroin - 2006

Magic Sticky Hand from Heroin Skateboards, circa 2006. I guess these were the skaters that didn't get to have a full part in the Live From Antartica video. Colin Fiske goes fast and hard as usual, and his creativity continues to shine through. I'm always shocked at what he can pull of on those long-ass boards he rides. Deerman of Dark Woods makes an appearance in this video, killing barriers at will. If you haven't checked out the Barrier Kult Horde, then you are missing out. Overall this was a great video, if not a bit short.

Featured Skaters: Colin Fiske, Jon Monie, Chris Ault, Deerman of Dark Woods, Stephen Roe

run time: 21 min 23 sec

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