martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Trilogy - World Industries - 1996

Trilogy from World Industries, circa 1996. This video was actually a split between World Industries, 101, and Blind Skateboards, which were all part of the same distribution company. Street skating was moving along quickly and companies like these were raising the bar to all new heights. A lot of today's heroes came from these companies, which you can see from the lineup.

Featured Skaters: Clyde Singleton, Daewon Song, Enrique Lorenzo, Gideon Choi, Gino Iannucci, Jason Dill, Josh Kasper, Kareem Campbell, Lavar McBride, Marcus McBride, Maurice Key, Ronnie Creager, Sam Devlin, and Shiloh Greathouse

run time: 46 min

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