viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

Useless Wooden Toys - New Deal - 1990

Useless Wooden Toys from New Deal Skateboards, circa 1990. This was the only skate video I owned when I was a little kid. My brother had left it at home when he left for college and I watched it constantly. Vert skating was reaching a pinnacle, mini ramps were everywhere, and street skating was getting super technical.

Featured Skaters: Armando Barajas, Tim Brauch, Steve Douglas, John Duff, Brent Fellows, Justin Girard, Anthony Hall, Chris Hall, Anthony Hancock, Neil Hendrix, Andy Howell, Rick Ibaseta, Ron Knigge, Ali Mills, John Montesi, Andrew Morrison, Joe Ryckebosch, Doug Saenz, Danny Sargent, Nick Tancraitor, Thomas Taylor, Ed Templeton, and Paul Zitzer

run time: 45 min 35 sec

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