miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

DeJa Vu - Cliche - 2008

DeJa Vu from Cliche Skateboards, circa 2008. This is a reedit of the past Cliche videos all put into a single megamix. It just gets better and better as the video goes on. Top notch skatin. Here is the breakdown of who edited who's part: Ty Evans for Lucas Puig, Roger Bagley for Joey Brezinski, Greg Hunt for Ricardo Fonseca, Mike Manzoori for Javier Mendizabal, Dan Magee for Andrew Brophy, Scuba Steve for Cale Nuske, Dan Wolfe for Jeremie Daclin, Ewan Bowman for Charles Collet, and RB Umali for JB Gillet.

Featured Skaters: Lucas Puig, Joey Brezinski, Ricardo Fonseca, Javier Mendizabal, Andrew Brophy, Cale Nuske, Jeremie Daclin, Charles Collet, and JB Gillet

run time: 50 min 3 sec

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